So at the end of last week I made the step of taking over half of my cooperating teachers classes. The half involve 6th grade myp history class(Ancient Greece), 7th grade history(Middle Ages) and 8th grade Geography(Spain). I will also teach a few 5th grade pyp classes which have me a little worried, I've never taught that young of a group and I really have no idea how to pace a class for that age. I'll be figuring it out when I teach my lesson on "Why its important to recycle", going to be interesting since I'm not the best recycler out there and have no clue how to teach. Better start googlin! The 2 of the 3 classes I'll be taking over shouldn't be too big of a problem the students are intelligent and motivated which makes working with them a blast. The challenging class is the 7th years, they seem to enjoy being difficult and seem to be a challenge for the entire school. Hopefully I can make the Feudal system interesting enough to keep their attention for 45 minutes twice a week. If you have any suggestions feel free to let me know (I'm looking at you Rowdy). Besides teaching a few classes, we are also taking the middle school students to the coal mines. I think that I am definitely more for the mines then the students. Ohh damn, I'm that teacher.
The weekend was a mixture of restful days and epic nights. Hit the club, something I rarely if ever do in America. We took a trip out with an American we met in our building and a friend of hers from Latvia. Its nice to go out with some new friends (not a saying I don't like going out with Megan and Chris, but I think they might need a little break from me more). and yes they dance like idiots in Slovenia just like in the American clubs (and boy did I dance like and idiot), not for me, but I still ended up staying out till sunrise. Along with the club we took a trip up to the castle which I totally forgot to bring my camera for. I guess another time you will be graced with pictures of Ljubljana in all its glory. Until next time,
Sorry Tina for the low blow about the Wolves, but I might add that they just recently had their second worst loss in team history, makes me happy to be away from Minnesota sports for a bit.
ohh wait, I guess I can throw up a couple pics!
A picture of what Charlie Sheen would call 3 rock stars from mars!
The awesome challenge of Inquiry put on by the pyp (grades 1-5). I helped the 5th years and they did a great job presenting their experiments on oil spills.
Apparently even Slovenians are Irish on St.Patty's day.
Hey Michael, Looks like you are staying very busy. Are you enjoying teaching the younger kids? Are they behaving for you? Let me know if you need me to send any gifts to you. I should probably do that in early April. I miss you. Love you, Mom