Monday, February 21, 2011

Lets get it started ehh...

Well its Monday and on Thursday I leave on an adventure of epic awesomeness. I will jettison off for an 8 week student teaching placement in Ljubljana, Slovenia followed by about 2 weeks of travel where ever the hell I want time. I expect these next 8 weeks Dumila Kumar School will be an experience that rivals my recent 7 weeks at Patrick Henry High School in Minneapolis. My time at PHHS was quite an experience, one that I feel like I learned more then my 4 and half years of college combined. With such a good experience at PHHS from my CT to the students I was beginning to regret splitting my student teaching between two placement, feeling as though I'll be missing out on the chance to grow one group of students throughout a semester. But Slovenia is calling and I can't pass up opportunities travel to some distant land for a while. So this whats up and I hope to fill you in on my teaching experiences, traveling experiences and anything else that happens in the next 10 weeks. SO be prepared for pictures, texts and maybe a video or two that might help to put you in my soon to be very worn shoes. Peace out foolios


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