Friday, February 25, 2011

We made it!

Well round one has gone to the 3 travelers, we made it to Vienna quite easily. We left Minneapolis at or around 10:30 traveling to Dulles (DC) where we had a layover for a few hours. Those few hours provided just enough time for Chipotle (one last American meal), reactivating the pin for my debt card. Wasn't the smartest thing to wait until that moment to make sure I had access to cash, but it worked none the less. I continue my journey following the "I'll figure it out when I get there" mindset. The flight was alright, would have been better if the passenger next to me didn't have "a smell" as I like to think of it as well as feeling as though he had a right to the ENTIRE middle arm rest and the lady in front of me attempting to put stuff under her seat (if you don't fly very much that is where my feet are suppose to go). All complaining aside I got to watch The Social Network (better the second time) and a few other random movies/television shows. Landed in Vienna BOOM no problem, Train to the Hostel BOOM no problem, check in to the hostel BOOM no problem, but that is when we hit our first little road bump, but before that I guess I should tell you who the we is. We consists of Megan another soon to be Secondary Ed teacher (Math), Chris a soon to be Elementary Ed teacher (so teaching everything) and myself (captain awesome). Well our bump really wasn't that bad, it was more stupid rookie mistake then anything. We didn't have any idea what we wanted to do while in Vienna. Well needless to say being in a new random city was good enough for us and we spent our day randomly wondering the street jumping into different stops when thought it would be interesting. Its time for a nap now in order to hopefully gain enough support to make a trip to the Siebensternbräu. Pictures to come to make up for all of these words. Laterade


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